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China''s broken hammer market: the development opportunities and challenges

Return ListDate:2016-10-17Read:1091

In the development process of China's construction machinery is a broken hammer is the leader in the product, first, thanks to the rapid development of China's excavator market, demand is strong; another important reason is the high efficiency, comprehensive efficiency is much higher than manpower. From the perspective of the industry cycle, broken hammer industry is in the early stages of growth, high profit margins, strong demand, but the greater the risk of investment, the potential impact on the industry.

According to China Construction Machinery Business Network 2011-2015 China broken hammer industry analysis and forecast report shows that in 2010 China market sales of 38,000 broken hammer, an increase of more than 50% in recent years, the fastest growing year. Large-scale construction of new projects in 2010, driven by sales of blowout excavators, which led to a substantial increase in demand for breaking hammer terminal. China's demand for qualitative change in the hammer is in 2005, since then, the market entered the development of fast lane. Attracted by the high profit margins, the industry influx of many participants, the preliminary statistics of the Chinese market in 2010 there are as many as 200 broken hammer brand, Korean brand or name to obtain the majority of brands like South Korea, Europe and the United States brand Familiar in China, but four or five, Japanese brands have six or seven, the other can be called authentic domestic brands. In terms of strength, the regular Korean brand (such as water, Han Yu, desert, etc.) sales higher, the brand image is good, the current can be called the market leading Chinese hammer, followed by domestic brands from research and development, procurement, manufacturing , Sales and after-sales service complete industrial chain of enterprises (such as Eddie precision shaking hydraulic), such enterprises strategic objectives clear, high management level, and has obvious local advantages, the future prospects for development; Europe and the United States and Japanese brands in China The market share of less than 10%, but the high quality products, focus on high-end market, but some brands in order to fit the market demand, appropriate to take the "price sinking" strategy; other assembled products, reflected in market share, Not weak, but profitability is too strong, the lack of strategy, poor prospects.

From the market capacity point of view, with the hammer rate increases, demand continues to grow, broken hammer industry in China has broad prospects. However, the development of the current situation, the industry there are many urgent problems to be solved. First of all, the brand chaos mentioned above, according to China Construction Machinery Business Network "2011-2015 China broken hammer industry analysis and forecast report" shows that the market is now posing as pure Korean brand hammer a few, because the fire sold, A lot of assembly hammer from a similar to the Korean brand name in the market, trickster. Due to high profit margins, the assembly process is relatively simple, many individuals purchase parts back assembly, paste a brand can sell a year to sell 10 units, eight units, you can live very moist. These hammers because of price advantage, in the current competitiveness of the Chinese market can not be underestimated, seriously disrupt the market competition order. And then a very serious problem that is broken hammer industry after the market development. At this stage, from the whole construction machinery horizontal comparison, the hammer manufacturer's strength is still very weak, compared with the excavator manufacturers, is not a level, so the construction of the sales channel is stretched, can only bend to the regional market In addition, after-sales service is also a weakness of the industry, mainly in the lack of technical personnel, maintenance reflects the slow, mainly due to the shortcomings in the channel construction, manufacturers do not have the strength to support a strong after-sales service system. Furthermore, as one of the most important excavator excavator, excavator and excavator in the development is completely separate from the main body to complete their manufacturing, so matching is a big problem, and then many users experience in the election hammer Limited, there is often a "small horse cart", "big horse car" problem, resulting in waste of resources, low efficiency.

Industry analysts believe that the brand in the settlement of chaos, industry associations such self-regulatory organizations should take the lead position, and actively organize industry standards, and guide enterprises to rational competition, increase market supervision, with the relevant departments to crack down on unlicensed Unlicensed operation. In the channel construction and product development, the hammer and excavator manufacturers have a good environment for cooperation, especially in the excavator industry sales channels can help improve the rapid realization of the national enterprise layout, product research and development cooperation can help each other to promote each other , Enhance customer trust, to achieve sales scale.